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Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders
Jurgen Appelo
In many organisations, management is the biggest obstacle to successful Agile development. Unfortunately, reliable guidance on Agile management has been scarce indeed. Now, leading Agile manager Jurgen Appelo fills that gap, introducing a realistic approach to leading, managing, and growing your Agile team or organisation.
Scrum: A Pocket Guide: A Smart Travel Companion
Gunther Verheyen
This pocket guide is the one book to read for everyone who wants to learn about Scrum. The book covers all roles, rules and the main principles underpinning Scrum, and is based on the Scrum Guide Edition 2013. A broader context to this fundamental description of Scrum is given by describing the past and the future of Scrum. The author, Gunther Verheyen, has created a concise, yet complete and passionate reference about Scrum. The book demonstrates his core view that Scrum is about a journey, a journey of discovery and fun.
User Story Mapping
Jeff Patton
The Lean Startup
Eric Rees
The Lean Startup is a new approach to business that's being adopted around the world. It is changing the way companies are built and new products are launched.
The Lean Startup is about learning what your customers really want. It's about testing your vision continuously, adapting and adjusting before it's too late. Now is the time to think Lean.
Agile Estimating and Planning
Mike Cohn
Agile Estimating and Planning is the definitive, practical guide to estimating and planning agile projects. In this book, Agile Alliance co-founder Mike Cohn discusses the philosophy of agile estimating and planning and shows you exactly how to get the job done, with real-world examples and case studies.
A Sense of Urgency
John P. Kotter
Most organizational change initiatives fail spectacularly (at worst) or deliver lukewarm results (at best). In his international bestseller Leading Change, John Kotter revealed why change is so hard, and provided an actionable, eight-step process for implementing successful transformations. The book became the change bible for managers worldwide.
The Principles of Product Development Flow
Donald G. Reinertsen
"...the dominant paradigm for managing product development is wrong. Not just a little wrong, but wrong to its very core." So begins Reinertsen in his meticulous examination of today's product development practices. He carefully explains why invisible and un-managed queues are the underlying root cause of poor product development performance. He shows why these queues form and how they undermine the speed, quality, and efficiency in product development.
Then, he provides a roadmap for changing this. The book provides a well-organised set of 175 underlying principles in eight major areas.
Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash
Mary and Tom Poppendieck
In 2003, Mary and Tom Poppendieck's Lean Software Development introduced breakthrough development techniques that leverage Lean principles to deliver unprecedented agility and value. Now their widely anticipated sequel and companion guide shows exactly how to implement Lean software development, hands-on.
This book draws on the Poppendiecks' unparalleled experience helping development organisations optimise the entire software value stream.
Agile Software Development
Alistair Cockburn
The agile model of software development has taken the world by storm. Now, in Agile Software Development, Second Edition, one of agile's leading pioneers updates his Jolt Productivity award-winning book to reflect all that's been learned about agile development since its original introduction. Alistair Cockburn begins by updating his powerful model of software development as a "cooperative game of invention and communication.
Succeeding with Agile
Mike Cohn
This is the definitive, realistic, actionable guide to starting fast with Scrum and agile–and then succeeding over the long haul. Leading agile consultant and practitioner Mike Cohn presents detailed recommendations, powerful tips, and real-world case studies drawn from his unparalleled experience helping hundreds of software organisations make Scrum and agile work.
Best Agile Articles 2017
Michael de la Maza & Cherie Silas
A collection of essays about agile and agile coaching from leading practitioners in the field.
Best Agile Articles 2018
Michael de la Maza & Cherie Silas
A collection of essays about agile and agile coaching from leading practitioners in the field.
Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process
Kenneth S. Rubin
If you want to use Scrum to develop innovative products and services that delight your customers, Essential Scrum is the complete, single-source reference you’ve been searching for. Leading Scrum coach and trainer Kenny Rubin illuminates the values, principles, and practices of Scrum, and describes flexible, proven approaches that can help you implement it far more effectively.
97 Things Every Scrum Practitioner Should Know
Gunther Verheyen
Improve your understanding of Scrum through the proven experience and collected wisdom of experts around the world. Based on real-life experiences, the 97 essays in this unique book provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise from established practitioners who have dealt with specific problems and challenges with Scrum.
Scrum Mastery: From Good To Great Servant-Leadership
Geoff Watts
The basics of being a ScrumMaster are fairly straightforward: Facilitate the Scrum process and remove impediments. But being a great ScrumMaster, one who truly embodies the principles of servant-leadership and helps move a team to the high performance levels possible with Scrum, is much harder and much more elusive.
Team Mastery: From Good to Great Agile Teamwork
Geoff Watts
Being part of a team is exponentially better than being part of a mediocre team. Team are the heart of working in complex domains and are essential to the success of agile approaches, yet not enough team achieve greatness.
Geoff Watts explores Team Mastery and how to develop enhancing characteristics in his new book.
Scrum and XP from the Trenches
Henrik Kniberg
This book aims to give you a head start by providing a detailed down-to-earth account of how one Swedish company implemented Scrum and XP with a team of approximately 40 people and how they continuously improved their process over a year's time. Under the leadership of Henrik Kniberg they experimented with different team sizes, different sprint lengths, different ways of defining "done", different formats for product backlogs and sprint backlogs, different testing strategies, different ways of doing demos, different ways of synchronising multiple Scrum teams, etc. They also experimented with XP practices - different ways of doing continuous build, pair programming, test driven development, etc, and how to combine this with Scrum.
The Scrum Fieldbook: A Master Class on Accelerating Performance, Getting Results, and Defining the Future
In The Scrum Fieldbook, JJ draws on his firm’s extensive experience to take leaders, managers, and employees deeper into the specific challenges and new opportunities of an Agile world. He shows how the Scrum framework can be successfully applied to any situation, in any industry, from automobile manufacturers in the US and Europe to nonprofits in Africa, from home renovation contractors in Minnesota to gas exploration companies in South America, from building fighter planes in Sweden to accelerating US Navy special forces teams in regions of the world we can’t mention.
Agile Product Management with Scrum: Creating Products that Customers Love
Roman Pichler
In Agile Product Management with Scrum, leading Scrum consultant Roman Pichler uses real-world examples to demonstrate how product owners can create successful products with Scrum. He describes a broad range of agile product management practices, including making agile product discovery work, taking advantage of emergent requirements, creating the minimal marketable product, leveraging early customer feedback, and working closely with the development team.
Fifty Quick Ideas To Improve Your Retrospectives
Tom Roden, Ben Williams, Nikola Korac
Learn how to improve retrospectives and avoid stagnation, with fifty ideas designed to help you enhance and energise your continuous improvement effort. This book will help you get better outcomes from retrospectives and from any continuous improvement initiative. It will help you consider how best to prepare for retrospectives, generate innovative insights, achieve valuable outcomes, improve facilitation techniques, keep things fresh and maybe even how to have a bit of fun whilst doing it.
Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great
Ester Derby, Diana Larsen
See how to mine the experience of your software development team continually throughout the life of the project. The tools and recipes in this book will help you uncover and solve hidden (and not-so-hidden) problems with your technology, your methodology, and those difficult "people" issues on your team.
Retrospectives. A Scrum Master's Guide: Expand your Scrum Master Toolbox to Engage your Teams
Daria Bagina
Running a successful retrospective can be challenging. Maybe you never run one before and you are not sure where to start. Maybe you run dozens of them and you see that they are not as productive as before. The solution is in the tools you can use to guide you to better retrospectives.
Retrospectives - A Scrum Master’s Guide is here to help Scrum Masters run awesome retrospective sessions and engage their teams in productive discussions that lead to actual solutions.
Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business
David J. Anderson
Kanban is becoming a popular way to visualise and limit work-in-progress in software development and information technology work. Teams around the world are adding kanban around their existing processes to catalyse cultural change and deliver better business agility.This book answers the questions:What is Kanban? Why would I want to use Kanban? How do I go about implementing Kanban? How do I recognise improvement opportunities and what should I do about them?
Essential Kanban Condensed
David J. Anderson, Andy Carmichael
Kanban is a method of organizing and managing professional services work. It uses Lean concepts such as limiting work in progress to improve results. A Kanban system is a means of balancing the demand for work to be done with the available capacity to start new work. This book provides a distillation of Kanban: the "essence" of what it is and how it can be used. This brief overview introduces all the principal concepts and guidelines in Kanban and points you to where you can find out more. Essential Kanban Condensed is a great resource to get started or continue exploring ideas for evolutionary change and improvement in business agility.
Kanban Maturity Model: Evolving Fit-For-Purpose Organisations
David . Anderson, Teodora Bozheva
The Kanban Maturity Model (KMM)l is a new, powerful tool for coaches and consultants advising medium and large enterprises on transformation and improvement using the Kanban Method. From the author of the best-selling Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for your Technology Business, David J. Anderson, together with Teodora Bozheva, this book maps out seven levels of organisational maturity against the six general practices of Kanban to ensure appropriate application of Kanban practices and successful adoption of the approach. The KMM describes a roadmap and concrete actions that enable organisations to achieve fitness-for-purpose and exceptional business agility.
Showing Up
Christine Neidhardt, Olaf Lewitz
Uncover the strength of people to unleash their freedom of choice. Christine and Olaf believe that this increases well-being and the effectiveness of organisations. It makes work more fun.
Leading with Intention
Olaf Lewitz, Christine Neidhardt, Scott Downs
This book is intended to be a wholehearted guide on your journey, offering you a set of practices and thinking tools to help you make the difference you want to make. Our journeys to better leadership may never end, but at some reflection points in the future, if you have used the material in this book, Olaf & Christine hope is that you will feel that your impact is greater than before.
Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition
Lyssa Adkins
More and more frequently, ScrumMasters and project managers are being asked to coach agile teams. But it’s a challenging role. It requires new skills—as well as a subtle understanding of when to step in and when to step back. Migrating from “command and control” to agile coaching requires a whole new mind-set.
In Coaching Agile Teams, Lyssa Adkins gives agile coaches the insights they need to adopt this new mind-set and to guide teams to extraordinary performance in a re-energized work environment. You’ll gain a deep view into the role of the agile coach, discover what works and what doesn’t, and learn how to adapt powerful skills from many allied disciplines, including the fields of professional coaching and mentoring.
The Five Minute Coach: Improve Performance Rapidly
Lynne Cooper, Mariette Castellino
The Five-Minute Coach offers a simple, step by step guide to how to coach quickly and effortlessly and get amazingly better results at work. Short, punchy and easy to read, the user can swiftly learn this innovative and effective tool for improving performance.
Working with Coders: A Guide to Software Development for the Perplexed Non-Techie
Partick Gleeson
Get introduced to the fascinating world inhabited by the professional software developer. Aimed at a non-technical audience, this book aims to de-obfuscate the jargon, explain the various activities that coders undertake, and analyze the specific pressures, priorities, and preoccupations that developers are prone to. In each case it offers pragmatic advice on how to use this knowledge to make effective business decisions and work productively with software teams.
Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk
Paul M. Duval
For any software developer who has spent days in “integration hell,” cobbling together myriad software components, Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk illustrates how to transform integration from a necessary evil into an everyday part of the development process. The key, as the authors show, is to integrate regularly and often using continuous integration (CI) practices and techniques.
Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation
Jez Humble, David Farley
Getting software released to users is often a painful, risky, and time-consuming process.This groundbreaking book sets out the principles and technical practices that enable rapid, incremental delivery of high quality, valuable new functionality to users. Through automation of the build, deployment, and testing process, and improved collaboration between developers, testers, and operations, delivery teams can get changes released in a matter of hours - sometimes even minutes – no matter what the size of a project or the complexity of its code base.
The Devops Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organisations
Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis
For decades, technology leaders have struggled to balance agility, reliability, and security, and the consequences of failure have never been greater. The effective management of technology is critical for business competitiveness. High-performing organisations are 2.5 times more likely to exceed profitability, market share, and productivity goals. The DevOps Handbook shows leaders how to create the cultural norms and the technical practices necessary to maximise organisational learning, increase employee satisfaction, and win in the marketplace.
DevOps Automation Cookbook Paperback
Michael Duffy
This book takes a collection of some of the coolest software available today and shows you how to use it to create impressive changes to the way you deliver applications and software.
The Surprising Power Of Liberating Structures
Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless
Smart leaders know that they would greatly increase productivity and innovation if only they could get everyone fully engaged. So do professors, facilitators and all changemakers. The challenge is how. Liberating Structures are novel, practical and no-nonsense methods to help you accomplish this goal with groups of any size.
Zombie Scrum Survival Guide
Christiaan Verwijs, Johannes Schartau & Barry Overeem
Professional Scrum and Zombie Scrum are mortal enemies in eternal combat. If you relax your guard, Zombie Scrum comes back. This guide helps you stay on your guard, providing very practical tips for identifying when you have become a Zombie and how to stop this from happening. A must-have for any Zombie Scrum hunter.
When Will It Be Done
Daniel Vacanti
Daniel effectively explains (in plain English and real case examples) the actual working approaches and techniques that can provide every Agile team with scientific methods to, finally, stop guessing (or assuming) when something will 'likely' be Done.